It’s hard to believe that I began working out three times per week with Greg Raleigh, Fitness Center Manager of the University Club of Washington, D.C., a quarter century ago. Back then, when I was in my mid 40’s, I honestly had no idea what a personal trainer could do for me. Now, I can’t wait to work out with Greg, who has kept me motivated and fit year after year. Whenever I remind Greg that I still don’t exactly look like I just walked off of Muscle Beach, he asks me to imagine how I might look if I had not been working out. Of course, working out also has psychological benefits. I not only feel well, but also think better, after training with Greg.

The most important benefit that I have received from working out with Greg, however, is his friendship. He is a warm, engaging person who cares a lot about the individuals whom he trains. Like all close friends, we regularly talk about a wide variety of subjects—some serious, others not so much. It would be impossible to overstate the incredible amount of stuff that I have learned from Greg about so many subjects. Greg also has complementary interests outside the Fitness Center. For example, he established and operates his own nonprofit nutrition education organization, Food For Fuel, and hosts his own nutrition-related TV show, It’s Your Turn, where he calls upon and interviews his many national and local political, business, and sports contacts.
Thank you, Greg, for all of the enrichment you have provided me during the past 25 years.