ALF Amicus Brief Argues That School District’s Transgender Student Policy Violates Parental Rights

Case Background Parents Defending Education, a nonprofit organization that promotes “the restoration of a healthy, non-political education” for the nation’s children, has filed federal district court litigation challenging an Iowa public school district’s transgender student policy. This policy, titled Administrative Regulations Regarding Transgender and Students Nonconforming to Gender Role Stereotypes, purports “to expeditiously address the needs […]

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all things amicus

ALF Argues That Government Cannot Deputize Social Media To Suppress Free Speech That Questions Science Behind COVID Messaging

The plaintiffs in Changizi v. Department of Health and Human Services allege that the federal government, primarily through the Office of the Surgeon General, has pressured Twitter and other social media to censor them and other individuals who “question the wisdom, efficacy, and morality of government responses to the [COVID-19] pandemic, specifically lockdowns and mask and vaccine

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Big Law-less

I went “Big Law-less” 6 yrs ago this month. Ironically, my professional independence has enabled me to interact with many more superb appellate specialists at Big Law firms than ever before – as well as with dozens of outstanding appellate attorneys in smaller, boutique, and solo-practice law firms, and at free-enterprise & individual-liberty advocacy organizations.

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ALF Urges Supreme Court To Decide Whether COVID Liability Suits Are Removable To Federal Court

The certiorari petition in Glenhaven Healthcare LLC v. Saldana, No. 22-192, presents an important and frequently recurring question that has enormous implications for public health as well as civil justice: Whether COVID-19-related personal-injury and wrongful-death suits, which implicate the immunity-from-suit-and-liability provision and additional legal protections expressly afforded to healthcare facilities and workers by the Public Readiness and

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Amicus Brief Urges Supreme Court To Overrule Century-Old Precedent On General Personal Jurisdiction Over Corporate Defendants

On behalf of the Atlantic Legal Foundation  (ALF),  I have filed a merits-stage amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to hold in Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Ry. Co., No. 21-1168, that a nonresident corporation cannot be subjected to a State’s general jurisdiction merely because, as required by the State, it registers to do business. This is

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ALF & DRI Argue That Climate-Change Damages Suits Belong in Federal, Not State, Courts

Bolstered by climate-change activists and the plaintiffs’ contingency-fee bar, more than two dozen state and local governments around the nation have filed state-court suits seeking damages from fossil fuel energy companies for allegedly causing, or contributing to, global climate change through greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions.  Masquerading as state-law nuisance and trespass suits, they seek “climate

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all things amicus

ALF Amicus Brief Argues SEC Lacks Expertise To Rule On Its Own Constitutionality

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two separate cases that raise essentially the same question: Can an SEC or FTC civil enforcement target file a district court action challenging the constitutionality of how these independent regulatory agencies’ in-house adjudicatory proceedings are structured? Or to obtain judicial review of such a structural constitutional claim, does

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Justices Should Give Feds’ Roundup Amicus Little Weight

Law360 has published my sharply critical Expert Analysis of the amicus brief that the U.S. Solicitor General recently submitted to the Supreme Court in Monsanto Co. v. Hardeman, No. 21-241. My analysis explains that – “From the perspective of product liability defense attorneys, the brief from the solicitor general is a transparently partisan, short-sighted effort to

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